Vol XCII Part 11 Frontispiece to Gent. Mag. THE THREE HATS PUBLIC HOUSE, AND OTHER OLD HOUSES, AT ISLINGTON, MIDDLESEX, See p 113 THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE: AND HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, 1823. VOLUME ХСІІІ. (BEING THE SIXTEENTH OF A NEW SERIES.) PRINTED BY JOHN NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET; AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS AND SON (SUCCESSORS TO MRS. NEWBERY), AND BY PERTHES AND BESSER, HAMBURGH. TO SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. ON COMPLETING HIS NINETY-THIRD VOLUME. THE lark ascending to the azure skies, Whilom, Iberia's youth, thro' orange groves The turban'd hosts their gleaming sabres wield- The Muse departs from such ensanguin'd fights But hark! the ear is struck by Joy's glad note, Teversal Rectory, Dec. 31, 1823. 154814 WILLIAM RAWLINS. PREFAСЕ. WE are now rapidly approaching the Centenary of our existence. This Volume terminates our NINETY-THIRD YEAR; and in each succeeding Address we have had the satisfaction of congratulating ourselves on the liberal support we continually experienced. Through every change of public taste and public opinion, the interests of the Gentleman's Magazine have remained firm and unshaken. Powerful rivals, stimulated by our success, have arisen at various intervals. Some of them, by great exertions, have struggled through a few years, and at length quietly departed this life. Others have entered the arena of Literature, with all the effrontery of aspiring coxcombs, and, after abusing and vilifying all contemporaries and existing institutions for a few months, have suddenly given up the ghost. One of them was even so unceremonious as to usurp our name; although with principles diametrically opposed; but this ungentlemanly assumption of our coat, as the Heralds would say, received the contempt and neglect it merited. What has so long conduced to our prosperity, through the evervarying tide of public opinion, may be an object of literary speculation. Journals, like nations, have their rise, their zenith, and their fall; and their existence is frequently protracted or curtailed by peculiar circumstances, over which individual talents or exertions may have little control. On examination, it will be found that periodical Works, the most violent in party spirit or calumnious vituperation, have the soonest fallen into disrepute; and although they might flourish for a season, their existence ceased, when the breath which fanned them into being was withdrawn. Their conductors have only consulted the ephemeral passions of the multitude; and, as the popular effervescence has subsided, their "froth and fury" has sunk into merited contempt. On the contrary, those Miscellanies, or Journals, which have promoted the more substantial interests of Literature, retain a permanent value; and being supported by the most respectable portion of the community, are not subject to continual fluctuation or decay; but long maintain a just and decided superiority. To this, we may venture to affirm, may be attributed our long and uniform prosperity, -unparalleled in the annals of English Literature. Amongst the political convulsions, foreign contests, and domestic struggles of the last ninety-three years, it has been our constant study to promote that species of Literature which ever retains a permanent and intrinsic value; so that our Volumes might be a desirable acquisition to every respectable Library, and thus become valuable, as a reference, to posterity. We believe there is scarcely a subject, connected with the Arts and Sciences of the last century, of which useful information may not thence be derived. Few Publications of any consequence have passed unnoticed. Every deceased individual of eminence or rank in life has received, in our Biographical departinent, some tribute due to his memory. In Topography, although an ample field is still and perhaps ever will be open for research, our pages present an ample store; as proof of this, we need only state that Mr. Bourn, in his valuable Gazetteer, has referred in almost every page to our Publication. In Genealogical lore none will dispute our claims. So valuable have our copious Indexes rendered this department, that pedigree-hunters generally consider it their first resource; and we observed, in the report of a recent trial, respecting the charges of a late indefatigable Genealogist, that one of the chief items of his bill was for obtaining biographical information from the Gentleman's Magazine ! Thus, notwithstanding the menacing storms that have so long, with little intermission, hovered around our political horizon, the substantial interests of Knowledge, Learning, and Truth, have received our unremitting support. Foreign wars and intestine commotions, the natural enemies of Science, have at length happily subsided. England now presents the imposing spectacle of a powerful Nation, aggrandizing herself, not by aggression and spoliation, but by commercial enterprize. The increase in the Revenue, and the extraordinary rise of the Funds, afford flattering proofs of her present prosperity and success. With these national prospects, so favourable to intellectual pursuits, we may entertain sanguine expectations of long and steadily cultivating those valuable and useful branches of Literature which must flourish most when Peace and the Genius of domestic Repose smile on our native land. To effect this object no exertions on our parts shall be spared; and in soliciting the future support of our learned Correspondents, we beg to return our grateful acknowledgments for the many gems with which they have enriched our pages. In conclusion, we venture to refer our Readers with confidence to the contents of our present Volume, as classified under the respective Indexes. Dec. 31, 1823. INDEX το THE EMBELLISHMENTS. Those marked thus are Vignettes printed with the Letter-press. *Alhstan, Bp. ring of 483 Bloomfield, Robert, residence in Pitcher's- *Bocardo, Oxford, curious door in 387 Bossal House, co. York, Medal found near 305 Bridge of Suspension, Durham 401 Charlton King's Church, co. Gloucester 393 Coins, miscellaneous 305 *Conyers, Sir J. faulchion of 612. Monument in Sockburn Church 613 *Door, ancient, in the Bocardo, Oxf. 387 - Elwick Church, Durham 577 Liverpool, Church for Welch Poor, at 199 Painted Chamber, Westminster 489 Raynton's Monument at Enfield 209 *Ripon Church, Bas-relief and date and date 446 * Roman Altar, found at Great Boughton 388 *St. George, bas-relief of, at Nuremberg 291 St. Pancras Chapel, Plymouth 577 *Sedgefield, Durham, skeleton on a Sepulchral Stone, in Dinsdale Church 611 *Sockburn Church, Monument of Sir J. Stedham, Seal of Simon, rector of 305 at 229 Westminster, Royal Palace 489 |