| Charles Greenstreet Addison - 1876 - 996 lehte
...plaintiff, yet the said horse was not then sound and quiet to ride." (;«) A declaration which stated, that in consideration that the plaintiff", at the request of the defendant, had bought a horse of the defendant, the defendant promised that the horse was sound, was held bad in arrest of... | |
 | James Schouler - 1880 - 774 lehte
...not delivering Goods or giving the Consignee Notice of their Arrival, according to his Contract. For that, in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had caused to be delivered to him certain goods of the 1 The law implies a duty on the part of a common... | |
 | James Gray Stevens - 1880 - 1564 lehte
...one of the conditions of the poliry, whereby the defendant was released from liability to A., stated, that in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had undertaken and promised the defendant to perform all things in the policy contained on the plaintiff's... | |
 | Arthur Biddle - 1884 - 346 lehte
...catalogue the character of the contract of sale." § 40. In Roscorla v. Thomas,2 the declaration stated, that in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had bought a 1 22 UCCP, 348. ' 3 QB, 234. horse of the defendant at a certain price ; the defendant promised that... | |
 | 1903 - 1044 lehte
...the plaintiff in error upon a single count, alleging "for that whereas on day of January, AD 1887, in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had before that time done and bestowed certain work and services in and about the business of the defendant,... | |
 | Theophilus Parsons - 1893 - 936 lehte
...241 ; Lattmiore ». Garrard, 1 Exch. 809. In Hoscorla v. Thomas, 3 Q. B. 235, the declaration stated, that in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had bought a horse of the defendant at a certain price, the defendant promised that the horse was free that proposition... | |
 | Benjamin Jonson Shipman - 1895 - 654 lehte
...(12) Any other circumstances on which a debt may be founded. (b) Quantum meruit counts, in which it is alleged that, in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had done work * * * (stating the facts), he, the defendant, promised the plaintiff to pay him so much money... | |
 | Frederick Pollock, Robert Campbell, Oliver Augustus Saunders, Arthur Beresford Cane, Joseph Gerald Pease, William Bowstead - 1895 - 882 lehte
...the plaintiff, sell and dispose of the said Bank Annuities, subject to the life estate; and thereupon in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had retained and employed him, then being an attorney of this Court, for reasonable fees and reward to... | |
 | Joseph Chitty - 1896 - 906 lehte
...in arrest of judgment, that the consideration was sufficient (2). So, where the declaration stated that, in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had given the latter a certain letter, by means of which he was enabled to end disputes which had arisen... | |
 | New South Wales. Supreme Court - 1896 - 840 lehte
...said race : and the said agreement having been so made as aforesaid, in consideration thereof, and in consideration that the plaintiff, at the request of the defendant, had then and there promised the said defendant to perform the said agreement on his part, and to pay him... | |
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