| Alexander Pope - 1796 - 264 lehte
...Gales, beneath my body blow, And lbftly lay me on the waves below ! And thou, kind Love, my fmking limbs fuftain, Spread thy foft wings, and waft me...main, Nor let a lover's death the guiltlefs flood pro(ane ! On Phoebus' (hrine my harp I'll then beftow, zli , And this infcription mall be plac'd belowi... | |
| Gilbert Wakefield - 1796 - 382 lehte
...whofe hoary top an awful fane, To Phcebus rear'd, furveys the fubje£l main. • ^ Ver. 207. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow; And foftly lay me on the waves below ! There is an eafe and fimplicity in thefe verfes, that could not be exceeded : a fmall acknowledgement,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1797 - 428 lehte
...To rocks and feas I fly from Phaon's hate, 205 And hope from feas and rocks a milder fate. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on...profane ! On Phoebus' fhrine my harp I'll then beftow, 212 " And this Infcription mall be plac'd below, , NOTES. VER. 207. Te gentle galri] Thefe two lines... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 496 lehte
...Phaou's hate, 295 And hope trom feas and rocks a milder fate. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, A;,d foftly lay me on the waves below ! And thou, kind Love, my I nking limbs fuflain, Spread thy foft wkgs, and waft me o'er the} main, . L Nor let a lover's death... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - 498 lehte
...To rocks and fcas I fly from Phaon's hate, 305 And hope from feas and rocks a milder fate. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on the waves below 1 And thou, kind Love, my linking limbs fuftain, Spread thy foft wings, and waft me o'er the ) main,... | |
| Great Britain - 1804 - 492 lehte
...rocks and ferns I fly from Phaon's hate, se 5 And hope from feas and rocks a milder fate. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on the waves below 1 And thou, kind Love, my (inking limbe fu (lain, Spread thy foft wings, and waft meVcr the) main,... | |
| Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 478 lehte
...To rocks and feas I fly from Phaon's hate, 205 And hope from feas and rocks a milder fate. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on...waft me o'er the main, £ Nor let a Lover's death the guilt lefs flood profane! J On NOTES. VER. 207. Te gentle gales ,"] Thefe two lines have been quoted... | |
| Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 484 lehte
...To rocks and feas I fly from Phaon's hate, 205 And hope from feas and rocks a milder fate, Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on...limbs fuftain, -^ Spread thy foft wings, and waft pie o'er the main, C Nor let a Lover's death the guiltlefs flood profane O ' On NOTES. VER. 207. Te... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1806 - 496 lehte
...To rocks and feas I fly from Phaon's hate, 205 And hope from feas and rocks a milder fate. Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on the waves below ! And thou, kind Love, my linking limbs fuftain, -^ Spread thy foft wings, and waft me o'er the main, C Nor let a Lover's death... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1812 - 220 lehte
...softly lay me on the waves below ! And thou, kind Love, my sinking limbs sustain, ^ Spread thy soft wings, and waft me o'er the main, \ Nor let a lover's death the guiltless flood profane ! \ On Pho3bus' shrine my harp I'll then bestow, 212 And this inscription shall... | |
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