| Charles Dudley Warner - 1897 - 520 lehte
...And softly lay me on the waves below! And then, kind Love, my sinking limbs sustain, Spread thy soft wings, and waft me o'er the main, Nor let a lover's death the guiltless flood profane! On Phoebus's shrine my harp I'll then bestow, And this inscription shall be... | |
| Charles Dudley Warner, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Lucia Isabella Gilbert Runkle, George H. Warner, Edward Cornelius Towne - 1897 - 644 lehte
...And softly lay me on the waves below! And then, kind Love, my sinking limbs sustain, Spread thy soft wings, and waft me o'er the main, Nor let a lover's death the guiltless flood profane! On Phcebus's shrine my harp I'll then bestow, And this inscription shall be... | |
| 1905 - 394 lehte
...And softly lay me on the waves below ! And then, kind Love, my sinking limbs sustain, Spread thy soft wings, and waft me o'er the main, Nor let a lover's death the guiltless flood profane ! On Phoabus' shrine my harp I '11 then bestow, And this inscription shall... | |
| Joseph Warton - 2004 - 508 lehte
...alliteration is fuccefsfully ufed, are the mod harmonious verfes in our language, I mean in rhyme : Ye gentle gales ! beneath my body blow, And foftly lay me on the waves below ! • Phidr. Fab. L. Hi. Fab. i. VST. 5, 6. The peculiar muficalnefs of the firft of thefe lines, in... | |
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