| Alexander Pope - 1822 - 426 lehte
...Tho' stiff with hoops, and arm'd with ribs of whale ; Form a strong line about the silver bound, 121 And guard the wide circumference around. Whatever...Shall feel sharp Vengeance soon o'ertake his sins, Be stop'd in vials, or transfix'd with pins ; 126 NOTES. chosen. Castlevetro mentions an odd circumstance,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1822 - 428 lehte
...Tho' stiff with hoops, and arm'd with ribs of whale ; Form a strong line about the silver bound, 121 And guard the wide circumference around. Whatever...Shall feel sharp Vengeance soon o'ertake his sins, Be stop'd in vials, or transfix'd with pins ; 126 NOTES. chosen. Castlevetro mentions an odd circumstance,... | |
| British essayists - 1823 - 788 lehte
...beasts shall tremble at thy din. SHAESPEARE. Whatever spirit, careless of his charge, Forsakes his post or leaves the fair at large, Shall feel sharp vengeance...Be stopp'd in vials, or transfix'd with pins ; Or plunged in lakes of bitter washes lie, Or wedged whole ages in a bodkin's eye : Gums and pomatums shall... | |
| 1823 - 302 lehte
...beasts shall tremble at thy din. SHAKSPEARE. Whatever spirit, careless of his charge, Forsakes his post or leaves the fair at large, Shall feel sharp vengeance...sins, Be stopp'd in vials, or transfix'd with pins; Or plunged in lakes of bitter washes lie, Or wedged whole ages in a bodkin's eye : Gums and pomatums shall... | |
| Lionel Thomas Berguer - 1823 - 636 lehte
...the fair at large, Shall feel sharp vengeance soon o'ertake his tins, Be stopp'diu vials, or tranfixt with pins ; Or plung'd in lakes of bitter washes lie,...Or wedg'd whole ages in a bodkin's eye : Gums and pomatnms shall his flight restrain, While clogg'd he beats his silken wings in vain; Or alum styptics... | |
| William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1064 lehte
...Though stiff with hoops, and arm'd with ribs of Form a strong line about the silver bound, [whale. owl e'ertake his sins, Be stopp'd in vials, or transfix'd with pins; Or plung'd in lakes of bitter washes... | |
| British anthology - 1825 - 460 lehte
...have we known that sevenfold fence to fail, Though stiff with hoops, and arm'd with ribs of whale. Form a strong line about the silver bound, And guard...Be stopp'd in vials, or transfix'd with pins ; Or plunged in lakes of bitter washes lie, Or wedged whole ages in a bodkin's eye : Gums and pomatums shall... | |
| William Hazlitt - 1825 - 600 lehte
...eareless of his eharge, His post negleets, or leaves the fair at large, Shall feel sharp vengeanee ive on Christian ground, They and their houses shall...before your eyes. They searee had spoke, when fair and elogg'd he beats his silken wings in vain ; Or alum stypties with eontraeting power Shrink his thin... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1825 - 536 lehte
...have we known that sevenfold fence to fail, Though stiff with hoops, and arm'd with ribs of whale. Form a strong line about the silver bound, And guard...around, ' Whatever spirit, careless of his charge, Hie post neglects, or leaves the fair at large, Shall feel sharp vengeance soon o'ertake his sins ;... | |
| 1826 - 300 lehte
...Though stiff with hoops, and arm'd with ribs of Form a strong line about the silver bound, [whale ; And guard the wide circumference around. ' Whatever...sharp vengeance soon o'ertake his sins, Be stopp'd ip vials, or transfix'd with pins ; Or plung'd in lakes of bitter washes lie, Or vvedg'd whole ages... | |
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