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Raamatud Books
" Long-sounding aisles, and intermingled graves, Black Melancholy sits, and round her throws A death-like silence, and a dread repose: Her gloomy presence saddens all the scene, Shades ev'ry flow'r, and darkens ev'ry green, Deepens the murmur of the falling... "
The Works of Alexander Pope: Translations and imitations - Page 31
by Alexander Pope - 1751
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Solitude Considered with Respect to Its Influence Upon the Mind and the Heart

Johann Georg Zimmermann - 1795 - 452 lehte
...not to exclaim with the Englifh poet, that here — " Black Melancholy fits, and round her throws " A death-like filence, and a dread repofe: " Her gloomy prefence faddens all the fcene, " Shades every flower, and darkens every green, " Deepens the murmur of the falling floods, " And breathes a...
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A Journey Made in the Summer of 1794: Through Holland and the Western ...

Ann Radcliffe - 1795 - 522 lehte
...dtffky caves, .Long-founding aides, and intermingled graves, Black Melancholy fits, and round her throws A deathlike filence, and a dread repofe ; Her gloomy prefence faddens all the fcene, Shades every flower, and darkens every green, Deepens the murmur of th'e falling floods, And breathes a browner...
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, 6. köide

1795 - 488 lehte
...and a dread repofe. Her gloomy prefcnce faddens all the fcene, Shades every flower, and darkens every green ; • Deepens the murmur of the falling floods, And breathes a browner horror o'er the woods. РОГЕ. Half way between Boppart and Coblentz is the town of Rnens^ remarkable for...
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Augusta Fitzherbert; or, Anecdotes of real characters, letters, by ..., 2. köide

Augusta Fitzherbert (fict.name.) - 1796 - 226 lehte
...call off my thoughts from paft Ice nes. Here melancholy fits, and round her throws •A death- like filence and a dread repofe ; Her gloomy prefence faddens...fcene, Shades ev'ry flow'r, and darkens ev'ry green. Thefe lines were never more applicable, nor can I think the fate of cloiftered fifters more unhappy...
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Observations on Pope

Gilbert Wakefield - 1796 - 382 lehte
...death-like filence, and a dread repofe. Drydens Aftnea Redux •. A dreadful quiet felt. Ver. 167. Her gloomy prefence faddens all the fcene, Shades ev'ry flow'r, and darkens ev'ry green. Much after the fame manner Fenton in his verfion of Sappho to Phaon : With him the caves were cool,...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq, 2. köide

Alexander Pope - 1797 - 428 lehte
...aid, Or lull to reft the vifionary maid. But o'er the twilight groves and dufky caves, Long founding ifles, and intermingled graves, Black Melancholy fits,...floods, And breathes a browner horror on the woods. 170 Yet here for ever, ever muft I ftay ; Sad proof how well a lover can obey ! Death, only death,...
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A Sketch of Modern France: In a Series of Letters to a Lady of Fashion ...

Christopher Lake Moody - 1798 - 540 lehte
...— " Black Melancholy fits, and round her throws ?* A death.like filence, and a dread repofe : " 8< Her gloomy prefence faddens all the fcene, . ** Shades ev'ry flow'r, and darkens ev'ry green ; k' Deepens the murmur of the falling floods, " And breathes a browner horror on the woods.1* Several...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, 33. köide

1798 - 554 lehte
....have litre often read with delight and admiration ? " BlKk Melancholy fits, and round her throws . " A death-like filence, and a dread repofe : " Her gloomy prefence faddens all the fcenc, " Sbuta every flower, and darkens every green; " Deepens the murmurs of the falling floods,...
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Solitude. Or the Effect of Occasional Retirement on the Mind, the ..., 1. köide

Johann Georg Zimmermann - 1800 - 410 lehte
...not to exclaim with the Englifh poet, that here— , " Black Melancholy fits, and round her throws " A death-like filence, and a dread repofe : " Her gloomy prefence faddens all the fcene, " Shades every flower, and darkens every green ; '* Deepens the murmurs of the falling floods, " And breathes...
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Nocturnal Visit: A Tale

Regina Maria Roche - 1801 - 314 lehte
...death-like silence, and a dread repose ; Her glocmy presence saddens all the scene, Shades ev'ry floiv'r, and darkens ev'ry green ; Deepens the murmur of the falling floods, And breathes a browner horror o'er the woods." POP,K. The same good-humour and sprightliness, which had rendered the preceding part...
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