| Charles Abbott (Baron Tenterden) - 1846 - 1088 lehte
...certificate, warrant, or order for the delivery of tg°°ds, or any other document used in [f 551] the ordinary course of business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such... | |
 | William Paley - 1847 - 732 lehte
...interested in such goods. warrant, warehouse keeper's certificate, warrant, or order far the deiirery of goods, or any other document used in the ordinary...as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such... | |
 | 1848 - 536 lehte
...luding, India warrant, dockwarrant, warehouse-keeper's certificate. AGIO. [61 ] AGIO. "warrant от order for the delivery of goods, or any other document...as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, cither by indorsement or delivery, the possessor of such document... | |
 | Canada - 1848 - 948 lehte
...wharfinger's receipt or order for delivery of goods, or any bill of inspection of pot or pearl ashes, or any other document used in the ordinary course...as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize either by endorsement or by delivery the possessor of such document... | |
 | Charles Greenstreet Addison - 1849 - 686 lehte
...It is enacted also, (s. 4,) that any bill of lading, India warrant, dock warrant, warehouse-keeper's certificate, warrant, or order for the delivery of...as proof of the possession or control of goods, or purporting to authorize, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer... | |
 | United States. Department of the Treasury - 1851 - 736 lehte
...warehouse 'keeper's certificate, warrant or order for the deb'very of goods, or any ' other documents used in the ordinary course of business, as proof of the 'possession or control of goods, or authorizing, or purporting to authorize, ' either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such... | |
 | United States. Department of the Treasury - 1851 - 716 lehte
...the 4th clause declares "that any bill of lading, India warrant, dock warrant, warehouse ' keeper's certificate, warrant or order for the delivery of goods, or any ' other documents used in the ordinary course of business, as proof of the 'possession or control of goods,... | |
 | John William Smith - 1853 - 488 lehte
...only an agent." And the 4th section enacts, " any bill of lading, India warrant, warehousekeeper's certificate, warrant, or order for the delivery of...as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such... | |
 | 1853 - 1034 lehte
...security to the lender, are — ' any bill of hiding, India warrant, dock - warrant, warehouse - keeper's certificate, warrant or order for the delivery of...business as proof of the possession or control of joods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, tither by indorsement or delivery, the possessor... | |
 | 1854 - 836 lehte
...warehouse keepers' certificates, warrants or orders for the delivery of goods, or any other documents used in the ordinary course of business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such... | |
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