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" Document of title to goods" includes any bill of lading, dock warrant, warehouse receipt or order for the delivery of goods, or any other document used in the ordinary course of business... "
The Law of Contracts: In a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Law Institution - Page 247
by John William Smith - 1847 - 386 lehte
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The Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendments Acts of 1869, 32 ..., 1–2. köide

Canada - 1874 - 1416 lehte
...warrant or order for the delivery or transfer of any goods or valuable thing, bought and sold, note, or any other document used in the ordinary course...business as proof of the possession or control of goods, authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such...
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The Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts of 1869, 32-33 ..., 1. köide

Canada, Sir Henri Elzéar Taschereau - 1874 - 844 lehte
...warrant or order for the delivery or transfer of any goods or valuable thing, bought and sold, note, or any other document used in the ordinary course...business as proof of the possession or control of goods, authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such...
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Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Relating to Criminal Law ...

Canada - 1875 - 508 lehte
...certificate, warrantor order for the delivery or transfer of any goods or valuable thing bought and sold, note or any other document used in the ordinary course...business as proof of the possession or control of goods, authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such...
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The Pawnbrokers', Factors', and Merchants' Guide to the Law of Loans and ...

Henry Coleman Folkard - 1876 - 390 lehte
...goods. IV. And be it enacted, That any bill of lading, India wan-ant, dock wanant, warehouse keeper's certificate, warrant, or order for the delivery of...authorising or purporting to authorise, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer or receive goods thereby represented,...
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The Theory and Practice of Banking, 2. köide

Henry Dunning Macleod - 1876 - 648 lehte
...Bill of Lading, India Warrant, Dock Warrant, Warehouse keeper's certificate, Warrant, or Order for delivery of goods, or any other document used in the...authorising, or purporting to authorise, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer or receive goods thereby represented,...
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A Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property: With References to the ...

Judah Philip Benjamin - 1877 - 984 lehte
...of title " is stated to mean " any bill of lading/, India warrant, dock warrant, warehousekeeper's certificate, warrant, or order for the delivery of...as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such...
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The student's statutes for 1877-(81).

John Frederick Haynes - 1877 - 156 lehte
...warehouse-keepers' certificates, warrants or orders for the delivery of goods, or any other documents used in the ordinary course of business as proof of...authorising or purporting to authorise, either by indorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer or receive goods thereby represented...
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A Compendium of the Law of Real and Personal Property: Primarily ..., 2. köide

Josiah William Smith - 1877 - 764 lehte
...warehouse keeper's certificates ; warrants or orders for the delivery of goods, or any other documents used in the ordinary course of business as proof of...possession or control of goods, or authorising or pxirporting to authorise, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such document to transfer...
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The Law of Bills of Sale: With an Appendix of Precedents and Statutes

George Edward Lyon, Joseph Haworth Redman - 1877 - 256 lehte
...warehouse keepers certificates ; warrants or orders for the delivery of goods, or any other documents used in the ordinary course of business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery, the possessor of such...
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The Consolidated Statutes of New Brunswick: Commissioners for Revising and ...

New Brunswick, Charles Nelson Skinner, Frederic E. Barker, Edward L. Wetmore - 1877 - 1210 lehte
...warehouse keepers' certificates, warrants or orders for the delivery of goods, or any other documents used in the ordinary course of business as proof of the possession or control of goods, or authorizing orpurporting to authorize, either byindorsem«nt or by delivery, the possessor of such...
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