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" Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more; For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor. So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled... "
The Lycidas and Epitaphium Damonis of Milton, ed. with notes and intr. by C ... - Page 91
by John Milton - 1874
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Milton: The life

William Riley Parker - 1996 - 708 lehte
...ready for belief. Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more, For Lycidas your sorrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor; So sinks...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky. (165-71) Immortality, the reward of the dedicated, is the...
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Feather, a Child's Death and Life

Robert Peters - 1997 - 220 lehte
...envisioned his drowned friend Edward King's soul as a morning star: Sunk though he be beneath the wat'ry floor, So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lycidas sunk low, but mounted high, Through the dear...
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Beyond Consolation: Death, Sexuality, and the Changing Shapes of Elegy

Melissa Fran Zeiger - 1997 - 228 lehte
..."beneath the watery floor," where Lycidas is, presages the spiritual resurrection of the dead man: So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping head. Finally, the setting sun puts the world to rest as the swain sings — but not without the promise...
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The Classic Hundred Poems: All-time Favorites

William Harmon - 1998 - 386 lehte
...the hapless youth. Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more; For Lycidas your sorrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor: So sinks...repairs his drooping head And tricks his beams and with new-spangl'd ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky; So Lycidas sunk low, but mounted high Through...
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Pastoral Process: Spenser, Marvell, Milton

Susan Snyder - 1998 - 268 lehte
...the sun that sinks only to rise again. Lycidas will also rise, Sunk though he be beneath the wat'ry floor; So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky. (167-71) There is a new dimension here, however. This analogy...
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Ideology and Form in Eighteenth-century Literature

David H. Richter - 1999 - 300 lehte
...Lycidas your sorrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the wat'ry floor, So sinks the day star in the Ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled Ore, Flames in the forehead of the morning sky. So Lycidas, sunk low, but mounted high, Through the dear...
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From Islands to Portraits: Four Literary Variations

Sergio Perosa - 2000 - 132 lehte
...are hurled, [...] Weep no more, woeful shepherds weep no more, For Lycidas your sorrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor, So sinks...his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new spangled ore, Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lycidas sunk low, but mounted high....
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November: Lincoln's Elegy at Gettysburg

Kent Gramm - 2001 - 350 lehte
...woeful Shepherds weep no more, For Lycidasyour sorrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the wat'ry floor, So sinks the day-star in the Ocean bed, And...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled Ore, Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lyddas, sunk low, but mounted high, Through the dear...
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Complete Poems and Major Prose

John Milton - 2003 - 1084 lehte
...vows in 164. For the basis of the appeal to the Dolphins Arc, 6. sec the head note ', 9. TO SALZILLI So sinks the day-star in the Ocean bed, And yet anon...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled Ore, Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lycidas, sunk low, but mounted high, Through the dear...
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The Major Works

John Milton - 2003 - 1012 lehte
...the hapless youth.0 Weep no more, woeful shepherds weep no more, For Lycidas your sorrow is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor, So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed,0 And yet anon repairs his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new spangled ore,0 170...
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