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Raamatud Books
" Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more; For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor. So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And yet anon repairs his drooping head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled... "
The Lycidas and Epitaphium Damonis of Milton, ed. with notes and intr. by C ... - Page 91
by John Milton - 1874
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Living the Lectionary, Year A: Links to Life and Literature

Geoff Wood - 2004 - 164 lehte
...words: Weep no more . . . For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the wat'ry floor; So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed, And...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lycidas sunk low, but mounted high, Through the dear...
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Rosemond Tuve: A Life of the Mind

Margaret Carpenter Evans - 2004 - 358 lehte
...formidability in the present volume." Kaske remembered her with a quotation from Milton's "Lycidas": So sinks the day-star in the Ocean bed, And yet anon...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled Ore, Flames in the forehead of the morning sky.1 DC Allen confirmed Kaske's belief: "It was doubtless as...
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L' Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, and Lycidas

John Milton - 2006 - 66 lehte
...hapless youth. Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more, For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor. So sinks...head, And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore Flames in the forehead of the morning sky: So Lycidas sunk low, but mounted high, Through the dear...
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