| Chaplet - 1805 - 238 lehte
...before, And those love-darting eyes must roll no more, Thus if eternal Justice rules the ball, Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the line a sudden vengeance waits* And frequent herses shall besiege your gates; There passengers shall stand,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1806 - 558 lehte
...And thofe love-darting eyes muft roll no more. Thus, if eternal juftice rules the ball, 35 Thus fhall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the...And frequent herfes fhall befiege your gates ; There paflengers fhall ftand, and pointing fay, (While the long fun'rals blacken all the way) 40 Lo ! thefe... | |
 | Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 550 lehte
...And thofe love-darting eyes muft roll no more. Thus, if eternal juftice rules the ball, 35 Thus mall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the...line a fudden vengeance waits, And frequent herfes mall befiege your gates ; There paflengers ftiall fland, and pointing fay, (While the long fun'rals... | |
 | E Tomkins - 1806 - 280 lehte
...And those love-darling eyes must roll no more. Thus, if eternal Justice rules the hall, Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the line a sudden vengeance waits, And frequent hearses shall besiege your gates; There passengers shall stand... | |
 | Albin Joseph U. Hennet - 1806 - 458 lehte
...And those love-darting eyes must roll no more. Thus , if eternal justice rules the ball , Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall: On all the line a sudden vengeance waits , And frequent herses shall besiege your gates; There passengers shall stand,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1807 - 474 lehte
...And those love-darting eyes must roll no more. Thus, if eternal justice rules the ball, Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the line a sudden vengeance waits, And frequent herses shall besiege your gates ; There passengers shall stand,... | |
 | Young gentleman - 1807 - 314 lehte
...And thofe love-darting eyes mull roll no more. Thus, if eternal Juftice rules the hall, Thus ill-ill your wives, and thus your children fall: On all the line a fodden vengeance waits, And frequent hearfes (hall hefiege your gates : There pafTengers mall ftand,... | |
 | William Enfield - 1808 - 434 lehte
...And those love-darting eyes must roll DO more. Thus, if Eternal Justice rules the ball, Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the line a sudden vengeance waits, And frequent hearses shall besiege your gates. There passengers shall stand,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 lehte
...And those love-darting eyes must roll no more. Thus, if eternal justice rules the ball, Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the line a sudden vengeance waits, And frequent hearses shall besiege your gates ; There passengers shall stand,... | |
 | English poetry - 1809 - 302 lehte
...And those love-darting eyes must roll no more. Thus, if eternal Justice rules the ball, Thus shall your wives, and thus your children fall : On all the line a sadden vengeance waits, And frequent hearses shall besiege your gates; There passengers shall stand,... | |
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