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Raamatud Books
" ... that in actions of debt or upon the case grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract, whereby to take any case out of the operation of the... "
The Provincial Statutes of Canada - Page 1313
by Canada - 1848
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Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy: Decided by the Lord Chancellor ..., 2. köide

Basil Montagu, William Scrope Ayrton - 1836 - 878 lehte
...grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise, by words only, shall be deemed'sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract, whereby to take any case out of the operation of the enactments of the 21 Jac. 1. c. 16., or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment...
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Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy: Argued and Determined in ..., 30. osa,1. köide

Edward Erastus Deacon - 1837 - 888 lehte
...4. c. 14.; for, by the last-mentioned statute, there are only two instances specified, which are to be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing...whereby to take any case out of the operation of the statute of James ; 1st. an acknowledgment in writing, signed by the party chargeable thereby ; and,...
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A Digest Or [!] the Law Relative to Pleading and Evidence in Civil Actions

John Frederick Archbold - 1838 - 678 lehte
...limitations,) it is enacted, "that in actions of debt, or upon the case, grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be...whereby to take any case out of the operation of the said enactment, or to deprive any par. ty of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment or promise...
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An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius, 1. köide

William Selwyn - 1838 - 802 lehte
...s. 1. that in actions of debt, or upon the case, grounded upon any simple contract, no acknmvhdgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient...whereby to take any case out of the operation of the statute, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment or promise shall...
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The Laws, Customs, and Privileges, and Their Administration, in the Island ...

Abraham Jones Le Cras - 1839 - 414 lehte
...debt or upon the case grounded upon any simple contract no acknowledgement or promise by aords onty shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract, whereby to take any caae out of the operation of the statutes (21. Jac. Ie 16, or the 10 Car, 1. sec. 2. c. 6. Irish Act),...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In the Order, and Compiled from the ...

William Blackstone, John Bethune Bayly - 1840 - 764 lehte
...Tenterden's Act, 9 Geo, 4, c. 14, in actions of debt, or upon the case grounded on any simple contract, no acknowledgment, or promise by words only, shall...whereby to take any case out of the operation of the act 21 Jac. 1, c. 16, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment or...
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A Practical Treatise on the Law of Partnership: With an Appendix of Forms

John Collyer - 1840 - 1016 lehte
...c. 26, it is enacted, " That in actions of debt, or upon the case grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment, or promise by words only, shall...whereby to take any case out of the operation of the said enactments, or either of them, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment...
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas: With ..., 4. köide

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, James Manning, Thomas Colpitts Granger - 1844 - 1274 lehte
...G. 4. c. 14. enacts that " in actions of debt, or upon the case, grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only, shall...whereby to take any case out of the operation of the said enactments (a) or either of them, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof." It is said...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed October 22, 1840: To ...

Maine - 1841 - 922 lehte
...debt or upon the case, founded upon any contract, no acknowledgment or promise shall be allowed, as evidence of a new or continuing contract, whereby to take any case out of the operation of the provisions of this chapter, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment...
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Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ..., 1. köide

Pennsylvania. Supreme Court, Frederick Watts, Henry Jonathan Sergeant - 1842 - 614 lehte
...of 9 Geo. 4, c. 14, " that in actions of debt, or upon the case grounded upon any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise, by words only, shall...evidence of a new or continuing contract, whereby to take the case out of the operation of the said enactments (meaning 21 Jac. I. c. 16, and the Irish Act of...
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