| Alexander Pope - 1804 - 232 lehte
...13p • i And hence one master-passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. . As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath Receives the lurking principle of death, The young disease, that must subdue at length, 135 Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his So, cast and... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - 498 lehte
...Irame j 130 And hence one mafter Paliion in the brtaft. Like Aaron's ferpent, (wallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of death j The y.ung difnf:, which mull lubdue at length, 1^5 Grows with hit growth, and ftrergtluris w,;l\... | |
| Great Britain - 1804 - 492 lehte
...irame j 150 And hence one maftcr Haflion in the brt-alr, Like A.uor.'s k-rpent, iwallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of deadi ; The young diCiMfc, which muft fubduc at lengih, 135 Grows wich his growth, and ñrength^ns... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1806 - 474 lehte
...frame ; 130 And hence one MASTER PASSION in the breaft, Like Aaron's ferpent, fwallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives...growth, and ftrengthens with his ftrength : So, caft and mingl'd with his very frame, The Mind's difeafe, its RULING PASSION, came ; Each vital humour which... | |
| Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - 466 lehte
...frame ; 1 30 And hence one MASTER PASSION in thebreaft, Like Aaron's ferpent, fwallows up the reft. As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives...growth, and ftrengthens with his ftrength : So, caft and mingl'd with his very frame, The Mind's difeafe, its RULING PASSION, came ; Each vital humour which... | |
| 1806 - 408 lehte
...the frame ; ind hence one MASTER-PASSION in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of death ; The young disease, that must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength: So,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1808 - 334 lehte
...the frame ; And hence one master-passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath Receives the lurking principle of death, The young disease, that must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his So, cast and mingled... | |
| 1808 - 408 lehte
...the frame ; And hence one master passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent swallows up the rest. As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of death ; The yonng disease that must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 548 lehte
...frame . 130. And hence one master passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. As man, perhaps, the moment of his breath, Receives the lurking principle of Death; The young disease, which must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and strengthens with hit So, cast and... | |
| William Warburton - 1811 - 444 lehte
...sublime, as suspends for a while the ruling passion in every reader, and ingrosses his whole admiration : As Man, perhaps, the moment of his breath Receives the lurking principle of death ; The young disease, that must subdue at length, Grows with his growth, and strengthens with hi* So, cast and mingled... | |
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