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Raamatud Books
" Nor share one pang of all I felt for thee. Thy oaths I quit, thy memory resign; Forget, renounce me, hate whate'er was mine. "
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Translations and imitations - Page 35
by Alexander Pope - 1752
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The works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations, by ..., 3. köide

Alexander Pope - 1847 - 442 lehte
...back my fruitless penitence and pray'rs ; 286 Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole ; Rise alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! 290 Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me,...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. Revised and arranged expressly for the ...

Alexander Pope, William Charles Macready - 1849 - 646 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as Pole from Pole ; Rise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: To which is Prefixed the Life of ...

Alexander Pope - 1850 - 510 lehte
...penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode, Assist the fiends, and tear roe from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole ; [lise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll : Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Vor...
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The Works of the British Poets, Selected and Chronologically Arranged ...

1852 - 874 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers : Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist '=>|F\0:B FD% A C 1 A G G B +z? E E E ! Rise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! Ah, come not, wnte not, think not once of me, Nor...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With a Memoir, 1. köide

Alexander Pope - 1854 - 352 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole ; Eise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With Memoir, Critical ..., 1. köide

Alexander Pope - 1856 - 352 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole ; Rise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! 290 Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me,...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope: With Memoir, Critical ..., 1. köide

Alexander Pope, George Gilfillan - 1856 - 356 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole ; Rise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! 200 Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me,...
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The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope

Alexander Pope - 1859 - 504 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist n h` % G{E Ա O R X Y @ʭ ('v mٸZ3i = M & ز 4 D 7 Polo from Pole ; Rise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! Ah, come not, write not, think not...
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Evenings with the poets and sketches of their favourite scenes, by the ...

Evenings - 1860 - 386 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No ! fly me, fly me far as pole from pole ! Eiae Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope, with a life, by A. Dyce, 1. köide

Alexander Pope - 1863 - 348 lehte
...Take back my fruitless penitence and prayers ; Snatch me, just mounting, from the blest abode ; Assist the fiends, and tear me from my God ! No, fly me, fly me, far as pole from pole ; Rise Alps between us ! and whole oceans roll ! Ah, come not, write not, think not once of me, Nor...
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