| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1873 - 604 lehte
...said High Court in 30 Chambers, except orders made in the exercise of such discretion as aforesaid, may be set aside or discharged upon notice by any...cause or matter in which such order is made may be 35 assigned ; and no appeal shall lie from any such order, to set aside or discharge which no such... | |
 | Great Britain, Thomas Preston - 1873 - 244 lehte
...the exercise of such discretion as aforesaid, may be set aside or discharged upon Sec. 50 continued.] notice by any Divisional Court, or by the Judge sitting...matter in which such order is made may be assigned ; and no appeal shall lie from any such order, to set aside or discharge which no such motion has been... | |
 | Wynne E. Baxter - 1874 - 452 lehte
...Court in Chambers, except orders made in in chambers the exercise of such discretion as aforesaid, may be set aside or discharged upon notice by any...matter in which such order is made may be assigned ; and no appeal shall lic from any such order, to set aside or discharge which no such motion has been... | |
 | Sir William Thomas Charley - 1875 - 754 lehte
...the said High Court in Chambers, except orders made in the exercise of such discretion as aforesaid, may be set aside or discharged upon notice by any...matter in which such order is made may be assigned ; and no appeal shall lie from any such order to set aside or discharge which no such motion has been... | |
 | William Downes Griffith - 1875 - 700 lehte
...costs mentioned in the foregoing section as being left by law, " in the discretion of the Court"), may be set aside or discharged upon notice by any...matter in which such order is made may be assigned. This would seem to bear reference to sects. 41 and 4 2 respectively, by which the Bane business of... | |
 | Arundel Rogers - 1875 - 592 lehte
...or discharged upon made in notice by any Divisional Court, or by the judge sitting in Ch"inbe' ' 9 Court, according to the course and practice of the...matter in which such order is made may be assigned; and no appeal shall lie from any such order, to set aside or discharge which no such motion has been... | |
 | John Indermaur - 1875 - 152 lehte
...49.) Q. How can an order made in Chambers be discharged ? A. Upon notice, by any Divisional Court or judge sitting in Court according to the course and...practice of the Division of the High Court to which such particular cause or matter is assigned. (Jud. Act, 1873, sect. 50.) Q. If a party is dissatisfied... | |
 | John Mounteney Lely, William Decimus Inglett Foulkes - 1877 - 700 lehte
...aforesaid, maybe set aside or howdis-' discharged upon notice by any divisional court, or by chai>'eablcthe judge sitting in court, according to the course and...particular cause or matter in which such order is made may bo assigned ; and no appeal shall lie from any such order, to set aside or discharge which no such... | |
 | Sir William Thomas Charley - 1877 - 424 lehte
...appeals where appeals are intended. But, again, " the appeal," says section 50, " is to be according to the course and practice of the Division of the...in which such order is made may be assigned." There is no practice at all applicable to appeals from orders expressly made under the summary power ; and... | |
 | Samuel Prentice - 1877 - 358 lehte
...order made by a judge in chambers, except orders made in the exercise of such discretion as aforesaid, may be set aside or discharged upon notice by any...in court, according to the course and practice of the court. No appeal lies from any such order, to set aside or discharge which no such motion has been... | |
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