Front cover image for Saffron (Crocus sativus) production and processing

Saffron (Crocus sativus) production and processing

M. Kafi
Saffron is a precious spice which is mainly grown in Iran, India, Spain, Greece, Italy, Pakistan, Morocco, and central Asian countries. Until recently, saffron was perceived only for its value as a spice. However, with recent research findings pointing to the medicinal properties of saffron such as its antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic and antioxidant effects, interest in this plant has increased. The book presents a comprehensive account of saffron which includes the historical background, acerage underproduction, yield and applications, botanical ecophysiology, production technology, irrigation, pests, diseases and weeds, genetics, sterility, reproduction and production of secondary metabolites by in vitro method, economic aspects, indigenous knowledge in saffron production, processing, chemical composition and quality control, and research strategies
eBook, English, ©2006
Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, ©2006
1 online resource (viii, 244 pages) : illustrations
9781281827517, 9781578085668, 9781578084272, 1281827517, 1578085667, 157808427X
Preface; Contents; List of Contributors; 1. Historical Background, Economy, creage, Production, Yield and Uses; 1-1 INTRODUCTION; 1-2 HISTORY; 1-3 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE; 1-4 ACREAGE, TOTAL PRODUCTION AND YIELD; 1-5 USES; 1-5-1 Food Industries; 1-5-2 Medicinal Uses; 1-5-3 Use of Leaves as Animal Feed; 1-6 SAFFRON TOXICITY; 1-7 SUMMARY; References; 2. Saffron Botany; 2-1 INTRODUCTION; 2-2 IRIDACEAE (SAFFRON FAMILY); 2-3 CROCUS L.; 2-4 CULTIVATED SAFFRON (CROCUS SATIVUS L.); 2-5 WILD SAFFRON (CROCUS CARTWRGHTIANUS); 2-6 JOE QUASEM SAFFRON (CROCUS PALLASII SUBSP. HAUSSKNECHTII). 2-7 ALMEH SAFFRON (C. ALMEHENSIS)2-8 VIOLET SAFFRON (C. MICHELSONII); 2-9 TWO FLOWERED SAFFRON (C. BIFLORUS); 2-10 ZAGROS SAFFRON(C. CANCELLATUS); 2-11 ZIBA SAFFRON (C. SPECIOSUS); 2-12 CASPIAN SAFFRON (C. CASPIUS); 2-13 GILAN SAFFRON (C. GILANICUS); 2-14 C. KOROKOWII; SUMMARY; Reference; 3. Saffron Ecophysiology ; 3-1 INTRODUCTION; 3-2 CLIMATIC REQUIREMENTS; 3-2-1 Temperature; 3-2-2 Moisture; 3-2-3 Soil; 3-3 PHENOLOGICAL STAGES; 3-3-1 Phenological Stages on the Basis of Above Ground Parts; A-Generative phase; B-Vegetative phase; C-Dormant phase. 3-3-2 Phenological Stages based on Corm Development3-4 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING CORM DEVELOPMENT; 3-5 GROWTH PARAMETERS; 3-6 BIOLOGICAL YIELD; 3-7 ECONOMIC YIELD; 3-8 SUMMARY; References; 4. Saffron ProductionTechnology; 4-1 INTRODUCTION; 4-2 CROP ROTATION; 4-2-1 Multiple Cropping; 4-3 CULTIVATION OF SAFFRON; 4-3-1 Soil Preparation; 4-3-2 Planting Methods; 4-3-3 Selection of Corms; 4-3-4 Time of Corm Lifting; 4-3-5 Time of Planting; 4-3-6 Preparation of Corm for Planting; 4-3-7 Planting Density; 4-4 FIELD MANAGEMENT; 4-4-1 Application of Fertilizer; 4-4-2 Breaking Soil Crust. 4-4-3 Weed Control4-5 HARVESTING; CONCLUSION; References; 5. Irrigation; 5-1 INTRODUCTION; 5-2 WATER REQUIREMENT; 5-3 CROP COEFFICIENT; Irrigation Regime; SUMMARY; References; 6. Saffron Pests, Diseases, and Weeds; 6-1 INTRODUCTION; 6-2 PORCUPINE (HYSTRIX INDICA) KERR; 6-3 BANDICOOT RAT (NESOKIA INDICA GRAY); 6-4 MOUSE (MUS MUSCULUS L.); 6-5 AFGHAN MOLE RAT (ELLOBIUS FUCOCABILUS BLYTH); 6-6 INSECTS; 6-6-1 Saffron Bulb Mite (Rhizoglyphus robini); Morphology; Biology; Larvae; Variation within population and generations; Method of damage; 6-6-2 Corm Thrips (Thrips tabaci Linedman); Morphology. BiologyMethod of damage; Prevention and control; 6-7 SAFFRON DISEASE; 6-7-1 Stigma twisting; 6-7-2 Corm rots; 6-7-2-1 Corm root rot; 6-7-2-2 Corm neck rot; 6-7-2-3 Saffron smut (Tacon); 6-7-2-4 Saffron leaf chlorosis; 6-8 SAFFRON WEEDS AND WEEDS CONTROL; SUMMARY; References; 7. Genetics, Sterility, Propagation and in vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites; 7-1 KARYOLOGY; 7-2 DIVERSITY AND MUTAGENESIS; 7-3 MIROSPOROGENESIS AND POLLEN DEVELOPMENT; 7-4 POLLEN VIABILITY; 7-5 MEGASPOROGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO SAC; 7-6 OUTCROSSING; 7-7 INTERSPECIFIC CROSSING Ebook Central Academic Complete
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